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Water Colour Artist

From a very young age, Steven always had a tendency to draw, which was obviously a hidden talent and part of a creative make up he had. This led him towards becoming a hand’s on “Sign writer” as the sign trade at that time was all done freehand. There were no computers at this point so all lettering, designs, signs, murals etc were sketched out, drawn and then hand painted. Many years later after computers were developed, the fine art and craftsmanship of sign writing would soon disappear. To keep up his talent and use his creative energy Steven went on to become a “Hobby” water colour artist. He has done many paintings, some original, some from photos and some from books. He has only ever sold a few and prefers to keep them as his own private collection, all of which are hanging in his house.

Note: Below are photos of the actual paintings Steven has done.

If you are into “ART” or know anybody that is, please click on Steven’s art business and help spread the word.
